Saturday, December 22, 2012

Family Pictures 2012

As usual, getting a family picture is one of the greatest accomplishments of the year. When I was a kid my parents would threaten that we would come back every Sunday until we got a good one. So you would think we would have gotten it down by now, but it's a skill we have not perfected yet. Maybe someday we will all be good at focusing at the same time. Oh well... I still think that we got some cute ones! We took these in August, but just got the editing finished. Enjoy!

My Dad and Mom

My favorite family picture.

I just love this picture!

You can see some of the clouds in this
 picture, it was such a stormy day.

It was so windy!

We even planned out a Christmas card picture this year. Check out our Beatles pic:

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cailie's 1/2 Birthday

Cailie is one of the few people I know that loves to celebrate her half birthday, but if I was half way to being sixteen I would probably celebrate every moment closer too. To commemorate, we had fancy mustache's for our glasses and had a root beer party! Mom also made a half peach and half cherry pie for fun.

Cailie 15.5

Friday, November 23, 2012

A Day of Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I am most thankful for family this year. I am so glad to have a loving close family. It was fun to visit with everyone, even via Facetime my brother who lives on the east coast. It's amazing how even thousands of miles apart, how brothers can figure out how to be annoying. They invented a game, inspired by Psych, in which they turned Facetime into a video game. Which of course turned into a game of mashed potato chasing. Brothers just love to be creative, teasing, and fun! I am grateful for such a supportive family. I am so excited for my brother to serve a mission in Piura Peru! His mission call came this week. My new job is going well with lots to learn but getting better each day!

We got a little creative with the pie this year.

The best ever banana cream pie from scratch!

We got a little fancy this year.

More fanciness!

Can you tell the Cailie & Liesl
were in charge of the decorations?

Hazel & Cailie

Monday, November 19, 2012

First Day on New Job #2!

It is never fun to start over go back to beginning. However, that's the only way you can build yourself back up to the top. So while I feel extremely out of my comfort zone, I know that it will be worth it. In a few months, I will not feel like a fish trying to swim through jello. It's just the little things, like not knowing how to turn off the call light or how to work the stretcher that make me feel completely inept. I know things will get always does!

On a brighter note, I think that this is going to be a much better fit. I don't feel as exhausted when I leave. I get to actually have my weekends back, which means  I can go to church nearly every Sunday (I will still have to take some call, but it should be much better). For the first time in 5 years, I will not only have Thanksgiving off but the whole weekend! YAY! I am so excited to get to spend this time off with my family.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Some Thanksgiving Love...

We sent a package to Clayton, Nicole, & Lawrence for some Thanksgiving love. We sent Lawrence some new clothes and some yummy pumpkin bread! We won't be together this Thanksgiving, but we still send lots of love via email, google chat, face time, blogs, etc. Very grateful for technology that keeps our family together!

Some cute pics from Nicole...

Lawrence found the package you guys sent him! 
He loves his new clothes. I think he's looking 
very dashing in them. Thank you!

Lawrence says 'hi!'

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Grateful for Forever Families

8x10" "Families are Forever" chalkboard style poster print
My Great-Grandma Audrey in her 97th year passed away today, on the eve of her 77th Wedding Anniversary. I am so glad she gets to celebrate with Grandpa Virge! I am also so grateful for the power and strength that comes from family unity and the Priesthood. It was amazing how everyone worked together to get everyone's needs met. I am so glad she did not have to be alone and had family at her side to comfort her. Grandma Audrey was able to receive a Blessing from Uncle Jerry on Friday and another Blessing from Dad on Tuesday. The peace and comfort that came each time was greatly needed. I am so grateful for tender mercies. The Lord truly cares about the details of our lives and has a plan for each of us. LaRue Grandma's, visiting teacher for years, came to visit Grandma Audrey on the day she died just because she felt like she needed to. I love the peace and comfort the knowledge of the gospel brings in times like these. I am so grateful to know that we are a forever family, and we will be together again if we but remain faithful!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

Hope everyone had a safe & happy Halloween! I got to work today, so I wore my famous skeleton with a heart costume that me and BriAnne made last year.

I was super brave this week and went to a tri-stake Halloween dance for FHE on Monday. I went as Katniss Everdeen. It was fun to meet more people in my ward, but it was a major mosh pit-there was so many people there you could hardly move. Special thanks to Liesl for her brilliant idea and for letting me borrow her new boots to complete the ensemble and to Cailie for being such an excellent hair and costume designer, as she let me borrow her sweet leather jacket and black skinny jeans!

I am so bless to be loved by such an amazing family! Well, it's getting late, and I have to work in the morning. Only 7 more shifts until I start my new job!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

More Changes Coming My Way

This week I got a new job, I will now be working for the Same Day Surgery (SDS) and Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU). I'm excited to start this new position and hope that I will have a lot less "zombie days" (My days after a night shift when I feel awful and have a horrible headache). I won't start my position for another 3 weeks.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

To Have Hope...

During Sunday school, I was handed this quote to read to the class. I really love it. It is simple truth that your soul can embrace with:

"If our lives and our faith are centered on Jesus Christ and His restored gospel, nothing can ever go permanently wrong. On the other hand, if our lives are not centered on the Savior and His teachings, no other success can ever be permanently right." President Howard W. Hunter (Teachings of H.W.H., p. 40)

This is just so true! It is a good reminder, that helps one better prioritize things.

One of the quotes that I have kept close this year is focused on hope.

"Hope is an abiding trust that the Lord will fulfill His promises to you. It is manifest in confidence, optimism, enthusiasm, and patient perseverance. It is believing and expecting that something will occur. When you have hope, you work through trials and difficulties with the confidence and assurance that all things will work together for your good. Hope helps you conquer discouragement. The scriptures often describe hope in Jesus Christ as the assurance that you will inherit eternal life in the celestial kingdom." (Preach My Gospel, p. 117)

The Lord does and will keep His promises if you are but faithful. So the combination to success must be #1 Focus your life on Jesus Christ & #2 Have hope. If you can but due those two things all will work together for your good, even if in the moment it does not feel that way. For then you are sure to trust in the Lord.

Never forget Jeremiah 17:1, "Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is."

I always want to be one that the Lord can have His hope in.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Living In the Moment...

What a good theme song for enjoying the journey!

Special thanks to Mandolyn & Hazel for sharing this song with me. I love how Hazel can totally rock out to this happy song!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Timing Experience #2

Tired after a long day on the floor, I finally made it home to my apartment. Walking up the stairs, I realize my roommate is in the shower...translation...I really should have used the bathroom before leaving work. So disappointed, I open the door to my room and out of the corner of my eye I see the silhouette of a man in the corner of my bedroom. Simultaneously, I turn on the light, and I see Edward Cullen, red eyes and all, staring back at me. I jumped back instantly.

Yes, a life size Edward silhouette was
standing in my room!
I had been so tired, but now I was wide awake! An unexpected man in your bedroom is quite a bit frightful when you're a single girl like me! However, once I realized what it was, I started laughing. That was the funniest prank to pull on a roommate ever! HA HA HA! However, I think I greatly disappointed my roommate when I walked down the stairs and calmly asked her if she owned the Edward in my room. We spent the next few minutes laughing. She was thoroughly disappointed that I did not scream out in fear like my other roommate when Edward met her in the bathroom.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Timing is Everything!

This week, Cailie came to visit me. She was super excited and brought some tennis racquets (she has been having some serious tennis withdrawal with the end of her season). Only problem was we didn't have any balls. :( No problem, we can buy some...only Wal-Mart was all out of them. Luckily K-mart had some... Now to play some tennis!

Problem #2: We went to play tennis at the tennis court at my apartment. Court was taken...Okay, no problem, we can play at another court. Google address of Olympus Park and off we go to play!

Problem #3: When it looks like on the Google map it will be on your right hand side, you must account for the trees and houses that block your view of the park. We drove around for maybe 20 minutes just trying to find the park. Sweet, finally made it to the park!

Problem #4: All the courts where taken at the park. Seriously, who knew playing tennis was the popular thing to do? All 16 courts were filled with ambitious players. Back in the car yet again!

Luckily when we got back to my apartment complex, the court was free!!! We played some awesome tennis until it was too dark to see the ball anymore. Sometimes it is all about timing. Everything, including all the pieces, has to line up for it to work out. 

I was thinking about how this experience describes many frustrations in my current life. The problem is the timing is just not quite right for things to be where I want them to be, and this is a frustrating experience. If I can just be patient and keep trying, things will eventually work together to create the goal (just a lot of frustration and patience in between). The amazing part is all the things you learn in between where you currently are and where you want to go/do that you would miss out on if you got what you wanted right away. So yes, it is all about TIMING!

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Last Week of September!

I had the best weekend with my family. We were able to have all the sisters together for a late night chat on Friday night and Saturday night. It was so fun to be able to go to the Relief Society Broadcast with my mom, grandma, and sister. It just left you feeling so uplifted!

I can hardly believe how grown up my nephew and niece are getting...

This is one of my favorite pictures of Lawrence.
What a cute little man!

One of my favorite pictures of Hazel.
I love her adorable smile!

My goal this week is to not pass out at work! I have spent the last week off of work recovering from a self induced concussion after passing out at work. Walls are not friendly when you take them out with your head. My symptoms are finally going away, and I return to work tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Brigham City Temple Dedication

This Sunday I had the opportunity to attend the Brigham City Temple Dedication. It was a really neat experience that I got to share with my sister Liesl. My ward was assigned to go to Assembly Hall on Temple Square for the dedication. This is one of my favorite buildings on Temple Square it is so beautiful!
Assembly Hall
 I loved how President Packer, Elder Nelson, and Elder Perry were the leaders chosen for this dedication, as they have home roots to Brigham City. The temple is one of my favorite places on earth, as you can feel such peace there. I am so grateful that the Saints are righteous enough to have the blessings of more and more temples on the earth.

Brigham City Utah Mormon Temple
Brigham City Temple

Sunday, September 16, 2012

September Birthdays!

September is a month of Birthdays! Happy Birthday to Grandpa Allen, Blake, my dad, and BriAnne. We celebrated everyone's Birthdays on my actual birthday this year. Thanks to everyone for making it a great day!

Some sidewalk chalk birthday celebrations:

Me and Baby Hazel!
Holding this little girl was the best birthday present ever!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Another favorite song made better!

Simple Gifts comes from a Quaker Hymn. I have loved the melody ever since I heard it in Aaron Copland's Appalachian Spring.

I just love the words:

'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free
'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gain'd,
To bow and to bend we shan't be asham'd,
To turn, turn will be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come 'round right.

I really like this arrangement, and I love the reminder that this life is a precious gift. In this world of chaos and the faster the better, I love the reminder to be simple. Maybe if I just keep turning and turning, I will come round right!

More Changes...

It seems like just when you think you have life figured out it changes. I am super excited for my roommate Mindy to get married, but I am sure curious how the new roommate will work out.

It was kinda weird this Sunday, and I miss being in school. I went to Provo and picked up CalDon and BriAnne and brought them home for Sunday dinner. I love family togetherness. I have just been feeling kinda lost this week. It is really weird not to be back in school. School has probably been one of the most constant things in my life. I finally got that figured out and now it's over. Or is it? There is the constant battle in my head about whether or not I should go back for Grad School. I just can't feel right about it for now. I guess that is life's greatest challenge to be happy with whatever stage of life you are in right now. Enjoy the journey! A practice I understand in principle, but not so good in action. Guess I just have to practice!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

I just love The Piano Guys!

The original song became one of my favorite songs when one of my patient's mom's would play it every morning to wake up her son. He hated waking up and getting ready for another day of intensive therapies after his TBI. This was a good way to ease in the morning. I have been in the habit of waking up and going to sleep to it. The Piano Guys have made it even better! Love it! Thanks BriAnne for showing this to me!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

More Choices, Chances, & Changes...

Well, it is time for more changes. I have moved in with my visiting teacher. It is nice to finally be all settle into my new place. I now live in a townhouse with a Mindy & Jenna. Today I got all out of my apartment and was lucky enough to have my mom come help me. I'm so tired of moving boxes and very glad to be all settled into my new place. I am also super excited because we get to go to Lake Powell this weekend.

I am so blessed and grateful. I know that Heavenly Father has  a  plan for me (even though I don't get to know all the details when I want to) and that my life is full of tender mercies, if I will but take the time to notice them. I am so grateful for the inspiration that lead to Mindy being my visiting teacher and opening up the way for us to have a place to live together. Well, I can't wait to meet my new ward!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tending Hazel

My little niece is super cute, if you haven't noticed, and I got to tend her while her parents celebrated their anniversary. This little girl already has super good manners!

Thank you for tending me last night Aunt McKell! I love you!!! love Hazel

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


 July was very busy, but also very fun!

While the family was off visiting NY and VA to see Baby Lawrence and the fam I was able to help Mandolyn recover from having her cute bundle of joy.

Here's a few fun pics:

NY must have know Liesl was coming & special ordered
PINK statue of Liberty hats!

Me & Baby hazel

Baby Hazel!

We had fun we Annie's Family at Lake Powell:
Cailie & Mom chillin' in the Boat!

Liesl wake boarding!

Yes, hard to believe, but me rocking the slalom!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Baby Hazel...

More cute text messages from M.

Roar!!! I'm king of my jungle!

Goodnight from Hazel Lynn!
he just had her bath- check out those goldilocks!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


This was the fun text message of today from Nicole:
Lawrence is smiling today!
I can hardly believe how big he is getting! He definitely does not look like a newborn anymore. He is so cute!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hazel Day 3: Home from the Hospital

It was so much fun yesterday I got to help take care of Hazel (the day she came home from the hospital). After a Cafe Rio dinner complete with a key lime pie (my favorite), I got to help give Hazel a bath!

This is the cute text message I got today at work:

Thanks for all your help Aunt McKell! i love you!

Babies are such little miracles! It is so amazing that most of the time everything forms just so perfectly. They are so cute; just a bundle straight from heaven. They are a lot of work, but then again anything worthwhile is. I'm so grateful for my job. Even with the nights and weekends, it makes it so that my four days a week off can be spend helping others. As hard as the 12-14 hour shifts are, the days off are great. I am also so grateful for family. Having family close together is such a blessing and creates beautiful bonding moments. So yes, yet again I am so blessed to be me!