Saturday, December 22, 2012

Family Pictures 2012

As usual, getting a family picture is one of the greatest accomplishments of the year. When I was a kid my parents would threaten that we would come back every Sunday until we got a good one. So you would think we would have gotten it down by now, but it's a skill we have not perfected yet. Maybe someday we will all be good at focusing at the same time. Oh well... I still think that we got some cute ones! We took these in August, but just got the editing finished. Enjoy!

My Dad and Mom

My favorite family picture.

I just love this picture!

You can see some of the clouds in this
 picture, it was such a stormy day.

It was so windy!

We even planned out a Christmas card picture this year. Check out our Beatles pic:

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cailie's 1/2 Birthday

Cailie is one of the few people I know that loves to celebrate her half birthday, but if I was half way to being sixteen I would probably celebrate every moment closer too. To commemorate, we had fancy mustache's for our glasses and had a root beer party! Mom also made a half peach and half cherry pie for fun.

Cailie 15.5